Friday, November 27, 2009


You know I love taking pictures of Macy on Thanksgiving watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. I do it every year, even though all you see is the back of her head.

Still. It's tradition.

Another one...

Gotta love those Macy's balloons. I like this shot because I've never gotten one like this before. Then again, we always miss the beginning of the parade for some reason except for this year, and the balloons are at the beginning.

And another tradition (for two years, anyway) two friends and I have been shopping at midnight on Thanksgiving. We were more organized this year, more prepared....last year we were more shell shocked at the sheer number of people.
Here we are about 3:00 am at the indoor playground. I couldn't take my hat off for fear others would run in fear by the state of my hair.

Today, after majorly sleeping in, we got our Christmas tree (many pictures to come later) and are getting ready for a game night.

What a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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