Tuesday, January 5, 2010

June, here we come

Seriously. I love me some snow days. What good teacher worth his/her salt doesn't love snow days? That's why we become teachers. Tuesday and Wednesday already, and I'm sure Thursday and Friday will be snow days too. I've never had 4 snow days in a row. I'm not quite sure what to do with this.

But now we will have to go the week after Memorial Day, and maybe into June. I know I'll be cursing these snow days come then, but now it's fun.

Love my newspaper kids--we still have to put out a newspaper in January, so we are doing some work on these snow days with no complaints. Good kids.

Still need suggestions on names for my blog! C'mon, people! Help a snow day lady out!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you could do a play off of 8 is enough - you're probably to young to remember that show!! - anyway - 2 kids-2dogs-2parents-6 is enough.....not good i know...i have been trying to think of something - i'm not very creative :)