Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions...

Receiving Christmas cards in the mail is one of my ultimate favorite things. I blogged here about our dismal return rate last year, and I'm hoping this year will be better in that area. I LOVE seeing pictures of family members or friends we haven't seen in a while, and seeing how they've changed through the year.

I'm excited about Shutterfly this year for my pictures.  Shutterfly always does a great job. When my sister adopted Hannah, I created a photo book that chronicles Hannah's journey to joining our family, and it turned out soo good. Hannah and my sister really treasure that book. Shutterfly has a MILLION choices for photo cards.

Should I go with this design? I love the simplicity of it. And the H already in the middle is a good thing.

Or what about this one? A font fanatic that I am, I love the different fonts and the cool layout.

This one is neat...with the different sizes, and with 5 different pictures, I don't have to narrow the picture selection down too much.

Ohhhhh, I just saw this one. It kind of matches my blog layout. I love the "Believe in the magic of Christmas." It's only a matter of time before that magic is gone.

Which one should I choose??? I don't have anything to give you, except a big hug from me and a million blog points, but I would love it if you'd leave a comment and tell me which one you like. Or go to Shutterfly, look at their photo cards, and tell me which one you like.

Need more help with Christmas gifts? What about a calendar from Shutterfly? These are a great way to show off your family, and after the year is over, take off the pictures and frame them. What about a coffee mug from Shutterfly? We gave my dad one for Father's Day, and he loved it.

The really cool thing? Shutterfly is giving 50 FREE Christmas cards for writing a blog post about Shutterfly. Can you see my grin from your house? I LOVE Christmas cards, I LOVE Shutterfly, and I LOVE free stuff. Could that get any better???


Anonymous said...

I like the 3rd one

Jennifer said...

1st one gets my vote.