Wednesday, October 22, 2008

We heart Bus Driver Brenda

Some of you may remember our Scary Afternoon last February when Macy's bus was early and there was no one there to get her. Well, it happened again tonight.

I was waiting patiently at the bus stop, with an umbrella in the rain, when I see the bus coming from a different direction. Hmmmm, that's odd. Maybe there is a sub bus driver. As it pulls up next to me, I see no other kids on the bus. Hmmmm, that's even more odd. As Macy gets off, Brenda the bus driver says, "I was a few minutes early, and you weren't here, so I just finished the route and was bringing her back by your house." For the record, only kindergartners have to have someone waiting at the bus stop. First grade and older don't have to have someone waiting.

Brenda, you are the best. Even if you were early, thanks for looking out for my 6-almost-7-year-old.

Even better, Macy didn't pout b/c I wasn't there to get her the first time.

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