Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thawed hamburgers...

Macy took a nasty spill on her scooter last night, and bruised her knees pretty good. Of course, she wanted an ice pack. Of course, we didn't have any. I did find a frozen hamburger patty in the freezer, wrapped in tin-foil. Worked perfectly!

Until later, when she was asleep and I couldn't find the frozen hamburger. I figured one of the dogs got it, but I couldn't find the tin foil either. They've been known to eat lots of strange things, but tin foil isn't one of them. I looked and looked, but couldn't find it.

This morning in the car, Macy tells me it was under her pillow. But since she was sleeping on Bobby's side of our bed, it was actually under his pillow. A phone call to him was in order to go rescue the hamburger before it completly thawed. Gross....

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