Tuesday, May 26, 2009


School was out Friday--woo-hoo! It wasn't a bad year, but I always love summer vacation. Obviously...

Friday night was my suprise party for my master's graduation. Kaylin had told me about two weeks earlier, so I just didn't talk to anyone about it so they would think I was suprised. It was a fun time!

Saturday the girls and I went to an indoor water park with Macy's Girl Scout troop. It was a lot of fun!

Saturday night was graduation for the kids I teach. Bittersweet for me--there are about 4 or 5 kids I will miss terribly, and tear up everytime I think of them leaving, and then there are about 4 that cannot leave soon enough. Dinner at P&L first,then on to the ceremony. We had 605 graduates, and it was a sllloooowww graduation. This was a rowdy parent bunch--every pause by a speaker or a change was filled with parents yelling and screaming. Never seen that before. It's one thing to cheer when your child's name is called, but another to scream that child's name during a pause in a speech.

Sunday was church, then a couple graduation parties, then Oceans of Fun for a couple of hours. Water was cold.

Yesterday was Worlds of Fun with some friends. Fun day! For the record, Macy was taller (and braver) than the girl a year older than her. It rained on us at the end, so we rode the water rides since we were already wet.

We're going to pack things in this week, since the girls start summer school next week.

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