Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Is this my child?

I've complained about Kaylin's behavior in the mornings before--she is sooooooo grumpy and whining and some days I just can't stand it. Yes, she is that bad. She complains that her shoes are too tight, or the light is hurting her eyes, or I touched her, or she wanted to put her shirt on herself. It's because I have to wake her up at 6:15; when she wakes up on her own at 8:30, she's fine. Anywhoo, back to my story.

Kaylin is taking karate. Last night at her class, her homework was to make her bed. She told me before she went to bed that she needed to make her bed in the morning. "Ok, Kaylin" I say, not expecting her to remember, or to care. (We never make beds at our house. And just like the store-bought cake from Walmart, we have survived.)

This morning I was getting lunches,and loading things in the car. I noticed then that Kaylin's light was on. Normally if a light is on anywhere upstairs, she begins screaming to turn it off. I go in her room, and she is not in there. Her bed is made, though. I track her down to our room, where she is giving Bobby a good-bye hug. Fully dressed. With shoes on.

"Good morning, Kaylin." I just stare in shock at her.
"Morning, Mom. I made my bed and I'm ready to go to school." She bounces out of the room, and I follow, flabbergasted.

We were 10 minutes early to school today. I didn't have to get her dressed, or fight with her about anything.

If this is the karate influence, she is taking karate until she is 35.

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