Saturday, July 4, 2009

Dear Macy

Oh, my sweet, sweet tender-hearted girl. One day I hope you will realize how much Kaylin adores you and looks up to you.

Right now you see her as the annoying tag-along who I make you and your friends play with when you'd rather play alone.

Right now you see her as someone you have to share your makeup with when you'd rather use it all yourself.

Right now you see her as the baby who gets in your way when you want something.

Right now you don't understand that when you are snotty to her, she will be snotty back to you. Funny how that works, huh?

Right now you don't understand that when you hit her, she's going to hit back. Funny how that works again, huh?

But I see a different story.

I see a little girl who desperately wants to be just like her big sister, and wants to be accepted by her big sister and her friends.

I see a little girl who sees big sister putting on makeup, and she just wants to be as beautiful as that big sister.

I see a little girl who doesn't want to be left behind when big sister gets something.

I see a little girl who has learned to defend herself by being snotty back, and learning to give what she has received.

I see a little girl, seated next to her big sister at a picnic table, say something funny and look up at her with such adoration, such a need for acceptance, such a look of admiration and I wish she saw that too.

Oh, my sweet, sweet tender-hearted Macy. One day I hope you will realize how much Kaylin adores you and looks up to you. One day I hope you will realize what a role model you are for Kaylin and learn to set a good example. One day I hope you two become best friends.

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