Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My first day

Our students returned today, and at least there weren't any major issues like last year (kids in the wrong room and no lunch, as those of you who were with me last August might remember). It was hard to read my kids today--I think it might be a difficult year. I do have 2 kids who have seizures, one with Asperger's, and another going through chemo for a brain tumor. Yikes!

Some of you may remember last October when one of my students stole a car and was kicked out. Well, he's back. And in my class again. I kind of made an off hand comment in class today about stealing cars TOTALLY forgetting he was in my room. A few others started chuckling, and then I remembered. I felt horrible. He laughed it off, and in fact gave a little lecture to the others about how horrible his life is now, and he wished he'd never done it. It turned out okay, but I felt bad for making that reference!

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