Wednesday, April 8, 2009


For those of you who don't know, Twitter is the newest, hip fad in terms of social networking. Tons of celebs do it, and other normal people. It's become huge in college campuses as a way to get info out, and it's big in the world of journalism as well. In case you hadn't heard, Demi Moore saved the life of a suicidal person through Twitter last week.

What is Twitter, you ask, besides a weird name? Basically, you have 140 characters to "tweet", or say, what you are doing: exciting, meaningless, pointless pieces of info that everyone is dying to learn about you.

Your "tweets" can be followed by others on a blog, on Facebook or MySpace, or through a text on your cell phone.

Several blogs that I follow use Twitter, so in my infinite amount of time now that I'm on spring break and don't have a master's capstone paper hanging over my head, I joined Twitter as well. You can see my Twitter updates on the right side of my blog at the top.

You can follow my updates on the blog, or sign up to receive a text of my "tweets" when I send one. I may end up with no followers, and that's okay. It's just something new I want to try. At the very least, check my blog often to see what I have updated on Twitter!

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