Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Okay, okay, I need to post...

So I've been alerted that I haven't posted in 6 days. This is very true. Here's what I've been doing:

Writing a 30-page paper to be able to graduate with my master's degree
Working on another work-intensive class to graduate
Organizing a Dodge Ball Tournament for newspaper
Organizing a Bracket Challenge contest for newspaper
Researching beach houses for our beach vacation this summer
And--oh yeah--taking care of 2 girls plus a husband plus a house

That, in a nutshell, is my life in the last week. The paper is due on Monday, and I can not tell you how happy I will be to get that off my chest.

Macy had a Girl Scout meeting last night. They had previously asked me to talk about what's it like to be a teacher for their unit on authority. I got there ready to go. The police officer they had lined up didn't show up, so I called Bobby and he came and talked. We had the civil servant thing wrapped up! Macy didn't say much, but you could tell from her face she was very proud we were there.

Macy started soccer. She missed her first game on Saturday, but will play this week. She is very excited.

Kaylin is done with karate. She didn't really like it, and I didn't like how there were 30 kids in the class to one teacher. She didn't get any attention at all.

They got their dance costumes too, for their recital at the end of April. Macy's two costumes are adorable...Kaylin, not so much. MAYBE Kaylin's will be cute when there are 15 of them on the stage, all wearing the same thing. Otherwise, it doesn't look cute. :(

There, that's our life in the last week I haven't posted. I will try to be better. After this gigantic paper is done, I will feel a whole lot better.

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