1--number of DVD players that quit working
2--number of headphones that saved our sanity
8--pairs of socks the girls and I went through in 2 days
1--wet sock left in the car that was frozen the next morning
4--tubes we rented on the tubing hill
1--times Kaylin was plowed over by Eric on a fast moving tube
2--books I read on the trip
51--miles in Kansas that there was NO place to stop for a bathroom.
1--times Kaylin tried skiing
0--times Macy tried skiing
2--stops at Walmart in the middle of Kansas
15--number of tumbleweeds we hit
1--copy of High School Musical 3 that happened to come out on DVD today
14--feet is the diving pool at Casa Bonita
1390--miles we drove in 4 days
250--number of pictures I took
2--hours we spent at Casa Bonita
3--number of Gatorade bottles Macy drank today
27--mpg we got on the trip
4--number of layers I had on while tubing
70--dollars spent on souvenir t-shirts. Ouch.
We had such a blast with the DeMaria's! We want to make it a yearly trip. The girls have NEVER seen that much snow, and were just amazed at how they would sink into the soft powder. Here are SOME of the 250 pics I took
Us after a looooonnnngggg but fuuuuunnnnn afternoon of tubing. (My high school students drag out words like that, and I catch myself doing it now too.)
The DeMaria family, who we hung out with this weekend...Some of you remember Eric from college.
How Bobby and Eric spent the afternoon...hauling kids back up the hill. Notice Eric's short sleeves...it was HOT up on that mountain with the sun beating down!
The 4 kids...they all went down together like this, and screamed the whole way down.
To show you how deep the snow was up on top, look at how far Kaylin sunk until I could pull her out.
Macy and her giant chunk of ice
Macy and Gabriella climbing a mountain of snow
Macy exploring the creek behind our condo...look how deep the snow was on her!
Bobby and Macy had a snowball fight...
Kaylin tried skiing! I'm not really sure what she thought. All my pictures of her on skis turned out blurry b/c of a ice chunk on my camera lens; I was disappointed, but at least not all of them were ruined.
Look whose curls are back!
Macy and Gabriella on the sled...
I think this was their first trip down...
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