Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Crazy busy and I'm not even teaching!!

I've been just crazy busy this week, and I'm only teaching one hour a day!

Our newspaper staff is hurting for money. We had an advertiser bail on us, printing costs went up, plus with the economy our regular adveristers aren't buying ads. So we are doing a fundraiser--a Dodge Ball Tournament! We've been busy the last couple days hammering out details, rules, trying to get prizes, etc. It looks like Chipotle is going to give us gift cards as prizes, plus feed everyone during the championship,PLUS give the winning team free Chiptole for a month!!! They rock my world right now. Any blog readers out there who want to put together a team are welcome!!

Macy tells me tonight, "I think I want to be a snake doctor when I grow up." I say, "Oh, you mean like a vet?" She corrects me-"No, Mom, I want to be the one to put a sensor in the snake and then figure out where it goes, that way I can always know where my snakey is." Sure, Macy. I've always told her she has to wait till she has her own house to get a snake, but the last time we were at Petsmart, she read that snakes are good pets for ages 12 years and older. Now she's decided she is getting a snake at age 12. Sure, Macy.

Our Missouri Tigers are on fire, and I love it. It's about time!!

Planning for our journalism trip to Phoenix in April, plus our beach trip in June, plus only teaching one hour a day is making me have spring fever big time!!

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