Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Itchy red bumps

Kaylin was sick Sunday and Monday, but by Tuesday was feeling much better. Bobby stayed home with her both days, as he was off work. He called me Tuesday on my way home:

"Kaylin has a doctor's appt. at 4:30. I think she has chicken pox."
"She has red bumps all over her body and they itch. They look like bug bites, and according to Source X,Y, Z, it's chicken pox."

So I drove home, got Kaylin, and went back to the doctor. We arrived about 10 minutes before her appointment, and per instructions, went to the back staff door. They did not want her going in through the front waiting room. But they didn't have a room ready, so the nurse told us we had to wait in our car until the room was ready. Since it was a nice afternoon, we sat outside on the sidewalk, watched school buses drive by, and she attempted to write in cursive.

After about 30 minutes, we were instructed to not touch anything and walk straight back to our room. I had to leave Kaylin alone in the room to go up front to pay our co-pay. I'm surprised they didn't put us in a padded cell.

After ALL that--it's not chicken pox. And they are not entirely sure what it is. Our doctor conferred with another doctor, they ruled out several long complicated names, and ultimately decided that it was her body's reaction to the virus she had this weekend. Much like how some people break out in hives. If the rest of us get the bumps, then we are to go back. Otherwise, she was cleared to return to school today.

And that was my Tuesday night. Crazy!

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