Friday, April 11, 2008

Good report!

This morning I took Kaylin to see her orthopedic surgeon for another round of x-rays on her hip. He was pleased with the x-rays; the bad hip is almost caught up with the good one!! It looks pretty close to the same on x-rays. He was a little concerned about a few areas on the hip socket, but he said there was nothing we could do but watch to see how it played out as she gets older. He said he wasn't sure the hip is strong enough to get her 70, that she might end up with a hip replacement in her 30's or 40's, but again we'd have to see how it played out. My first inclination is to not let her play sports that would put pressure on that hip, but I don't know if that would even help or hinder. We don't go back for another year, and we'll see what has happened in this years time.

Kaylin of course wanted McDonalds for lunch, and I didn't. I wanted Chipotle, and my oh so picky daughter would not like it. So we went to Chipotle, I ate some tacos, then off to McDonalds. Kaylin thought it was funny that we ate at two different places.

Now we're just hanging out at home, trying to stay warm and wait for Macy to go home from school.

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