Saturday, December 11, 2010

9 things about Macy

For Macy's 9th birthday, here are 9 things I love about this girl...

1. Her kind and caring heart...she deeply cares about other people's feelings.
2. Her wacky sense of humor
3. Her voice is sooooo loud...most of the time that gets on my nerves, but it cracks me up too how loud she is
4. Her love for reading...she will lay in her bed at night and just read. Warms this English teacher's heart.
5. Her desire to be active and try new things...she's done t-ball, soccer, dance, basketball, cheerleading,  drama club, Girl Scouts,  guitar lessons, and wants to do volleyball next year.
6. Her love for any and all animals. She still says she wants to be a vet.
7. She looks just like me, my mother and my grandmother.
8. The way she wakes up talking a mile a minute. She's not a slow-waker-upper.
9. At night, when Bobby is at the fire station, if she can't sleep she'll come get in bed with me. I might be grading papers or reading, and she'll lay next to me talking a blue streak. Then she'll press her feet up against mine and go to sleep. One day she won't do that anymore, I treasure that while she likes to do this.

Happy birthday Macy Jewel!

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