Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Coloring in her sleep

Many of you have heard of Bobby's sleepwalking/talking/acting out things in his sleep habits. If you haven't, ask me sometime. They are pretty funny. Apparently his children have picked up this habit as well.

Last night Macy fell asleep in my bed when he was at the fire station because she was "scared" (ie: she just didn't want to sleep in her own bed). I came upstairs a while later and was going to read for a little bit. I had the bathroom lamp on so I could see.

Macy sat up, looked at me and smiled. I could see right away that she was not awake. I said, "Whatca doing?" because it is fun to mess with them when they are sleeptalking. She smiled wider, and started tracing circles on the sheet with her finger. She mumbled something about "colors" and "rainbows" and "art class" and "flowers". That's all I could get. I said "Oh, are you coloring me a picture?" She nodded very firmly and mumbed something that sounded like "Yes, it's for you" as she continued to draw on the sheet with her finger. I let her continue for a minute, then made her lay down and go to sleep.

Nice to know that while they don't look like Bobby at all, at least they inheirted something from him.

** My foot is ok. She said it was a stress fracture, but that the radiologist needed to confirm, and I haven't heard that confirmation yet. She put me on crutches, which lasted about 5 hours. Now I'm just wrapping it tightly, wearing tennis shoes for support, and walking slowly. It feels better, though. I'm not sure my wrapping this morning would pass Bobby's EMT test, but it worked.

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