This is will be a long post! Friday night was Macy's 6th birthday party. Before the party, we went to the mall to get her ears pierced. That's what she wanted for her birthday. Below is the picture right after they pierced her ears. The picture behind the chair is a tad creepy.
Close up of her ear. The earring is a small daisy with a sapphire in the middle. I had told her it would hurt a little. When it was done, I asked her if it had hurt a little. She said, "yes, a whole lot!" She was a champ, though. She didn't flinch, didn't cry, just sat there.
Then we moved on to the party. We ended up with about 15 little girls. Everyone of them was well behaved; I was very impressed. Macy's theme was a "rock star/fashion show." When the girls arrived, they decorated guitars with markers and stickers. Her birthday cake was actually 24 cupcakes in the shape of a guitar. It was pretty cool.
After presents and cake, we moved into the "stations". One station was the nail station, where my sister painted their fingernails and put nail gems on their fingernails.
Another station was the make-up station; a friend of mine's daughter did make-up on all the girls, and some body tattoos. I should have bought more brighter colors for eyeshadow!!
My friend Carol did their hair--lots of funky ponytails, curly waves, etc. Somewhere in there they changed into their rock style/dress up clothes. There were some wild costumes!
After the nails, make-up, hair and clothes were ready, they did a fashion show down a white runway to a Hannah Montana CD. The girls were hilarious--where they had all learned to walk down, stop, turn, and walk back up just like a model I have no idea! Macy liked to run down on her turn.
As I mentioned earlier, there were some wild costumes. Kaylin's was one. Yes, she is wearing a cow girl vest (without a shirt underneath), a Hawaiian grass skirt (without pants underneath) and cowgirl boots. She thought she was the coolest!
Finally, after many trips up and down the runway, they danced to the Hannah Montana CD for a long time. Their "take home gift" was a little pink and yellow microphone with Hannah Montana's picture on it, and they had a fabulous time just singing and dancing.
It was a great party, but I am glad it is over. The girls were great; it was one of the easiest birthday parties I've done, thanks to all my help!
Today was cold, freezing rain outside, so we just stayed home and played all day. I "shopped" for Kaylin's new wardrobe--I went downstairs and got the 4T winter clothes, and basically quadrupled Kayin's wardrobe. I love that I have two girls who were born around the same time, so we can reuse clothes!
Hopefully there will be no school Tuesday this week. Keep your fingers crossed!