Sunday, September 9, 2007

I had goosebumps all over my arm...

Sometimes as a parent you wonder if you are doing anything right. They say inappropriate things, are rude, interrupt, cry, whine, hit their siblings, and make you question your decision to have children at all.

Then a moment comes like this.

On Saturday I was making two casseroles and batches of cookies. One was for my sister, who burned her foot badly and will have a minor surgery on it on Monday. The other was for a friend at church, who had a hysterectomy last week. Macy walked into the kitchen and asked me what I was doing.

Me: I am making food to take to Aunt Natalie because of her foot, and to Dawn
because of her surgery.

Macy: (looked at me for a minute) Treat others the way you want to be treated. They both brought you food when you broke your hand, and now you're taking food to them. It's nice to do things for other people, isn't it?

So maybe some things are sinking in.

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